Post by respect77 on Jul 30, 2019 4:24:21 GMT
"Gender confused teenagers who on the Internet are pushed to "transition" by peer pressure and because it is so trendy now to be something special. I have a young niece who now, in just one year, suddenly thinks they are a boy. Prior to this point - they were very feminine and presented absolutely 0 gender confusion. However - since recently meeting all these non-binary kids and gay kids at school - suddenly they are a boy, shaved their hair off, gets upset if we call them by their birth name/female name or use the wrong pronouns. I do not buy it and I do think they are just subscribing to group think and peer influence. They are also an attention seeker - they absolutely love attention. I know them and they are just simply not a boy. Now i wouldn't be so direct with them - I have to be careful with how I approach this subject with them because I don't want to hurt them but this is the problem today. We have kids who are getting swept up by this 'progressive' dogma because the conversation in schools, tv, media is so saturated with it. Smh
There is a name for it: Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. Now the mainstream media heavily disputes this. I have seen an article in the Guardian, of course, calling out the idea as some sort of bigotry against trans people. But when you listen to some of the personal experiences of these teenagers, it actually does seem to be a thing. Again, it shows the mainstream media's ideological bias that they immediately put down talk about this as some sort of attack on the trans community.
Post by pg13 on Jul 30, 2019 12:32:22 GMT
I've only recently been exploring the subject of the 'regressive left' and it's really opened my mind about some things. I literally tested it earlier on this week with some friends and actually- everyone was up for talking openly about certain 'controversial' subjects such as Islam and Trans issues. Of course - we all had to ease into it - it didn't feel 'natural' but that goes to show how conditioned and inhibited we all are about discussing issues that should be perfectly and legitimately acceptable/normal. Yeah, thats it. In Ireland we have had 2 very very progressive referenda pass, on Gay Marriage and Abortion, which is amazing for a country that was ruled by the iron fisted Catholic Church for so long. BUT NOW it seems that the very left people have sought out this trans issue, and are getting very very defensive and offensive about it. I dont think its as big an issue as being made out- sure Im aware trans people are going through hell, but we have people dying on hopsital trollies in hospitals and people with no homes and a SERIOUS suicide problem in Ireland, so in my opinion, this trans issue thats being blown up is not on my radar. But you say that, and you are lambasted by a certain type of group. Its very much like Leaving Neverland really. Skim the surface, that person has been wronged, FUCK YOU ANYONE WHO DISAGREES. Painful people. Not to mention the gun homicide rate in the Republic of Ireland which is pretty shocking, really. But the entire issue is effectively a propaganda war and, to paraphrase an infamous terrorist, "Equality is the Trojan Horse......who can argue with equality?" And that's the key. Equality itself has been abused to the extent that it has now become something like what religious relics had been for so long. Sacred, sacrosanct and thou shalt not go against it or the prevailing grain. It's no longer about trying to discuss and understand one another, but is more about trying to bend other people to one's will. Vex mentioned groupthink. This is usually a concept that's applied to terrorist groups precisely because the intention is to create an artificial justification for a set of beliefs and/or actions when there is no evidence to support it. In this case, groupthink is key in bending otherwise rational, sensible people to the will of what is really a tiny minority of the population of any society. The other tactic that's followed is one often used by terrorists - association. Association with other terrorists around the world and other conflicts is done to give legitimacy to one's own acts of terrorism. Likewise, transgender community associates with the gay, bi and lesbian communities. On top of that, they tap into the aforementioned mantra of an infamous terrorist "who can argue with equality?". So, we end up in the twilight zone where you are not allowed to say that trans is more like a mental illness as opposed to a sexual orientation. You're pressured to accept the demands of the group and warned that you are against equality for all. Complexity is always required in order to bend people to their will. The truth is always complex because life is shades of grey. But lies are much more persuasive precisely because they are short, to the point and centred around a deceptively simple question. A question that usually does not allow you to go out of the scope of that question. So, it becomes very instantaneous and common to call someone out. Yes, without ever hearing a more complex truth. Nationalist movements use exactly the same tactics too. Sinn Fein is one example, but the SNP in Scotland is another. Politicians are complicit in this entire issue too. The fact they want votes is precisely what helps give legitimacy to this Yaniv person intimidating women while using Canada's equality laws against them. I'm sure no lawmaker ever expected that their own equality laws could or would ever be used as Trojan Horses to bend the will of the majority. Democracy is supposed to be rule by majority, but in many ways the minority are very much able to subvert it. Existing legislation is nowhere near robust enough precisely because no one expected legislation to be used as a Trojan Horse. What's the betting Thought Crime will become a reality one day in the illusory guise of the "betterment" of humanity? Vaguely defined terminology is a huge problem. The issue of transgenderism absolutely highlights that.
Post by respect77 on Jul 30, 2019 18:05:25 GMT
All of this is basically what is happening with this JY person – alleged pedophilia is completely overlooked because we cannot question the transgender community or its surrounding ideology. And in this particular case – politicians are now supporting JY – it is absolutely mental.
More news about JY.
And this is from March.
I'm gonna watch that video.
IMO there ARE truly transgender people for whom transitioning is probably the best solution. But they may actually be rare. And due to the ideology and propaganda people are far too easily being led to that solution as if it is the only solution. And many of them are probably just confused teenagers or simply gay people. Or teenagers who do it because it is trendy. It's once again like swallowing the Red Pill - this time about how irresponsible and cowardly certain professions have become (doctors, therapists) to not raise their voice against this nonsense or even enabling it. Hormone treatment and sex change surgery should absolutely be prohibited under the age of 18.
When I was around 5-7 I wanted to be a boy. I even had a boy name for myself and wanted to pee standing up. LOL. I never liked girly clothes and preferred toys for boys and I played with boys or other tomboys. My parents were thankfully very cool about it. If she wants boy toys then we will buy her boy toys. If she doesn't want to wear girlie clothes she doesn't have to wear girlie clothes. I have a class photo from second grade and I just noticed I was the only girl on it wearing trousers instead of a skirt. I had short hair and looked like a boy. My teacher at the time jokingly called me a boy name. Although my parents did not call me the boy name I chose for myself. LOL. But otherwise they did not stress about it. They just laughed about it.
Guess what? I grew out of it.
Although I am still on the "tomboy" side, but I didn't become trans. I am not even a lesbian. If my parents had been some crazy progressives trying to act cool and all "enlightened" they might have driven me to a direction that wasn't actually my path. Just let kids be and don't fill their head with nonsense and take care that the Internet doesn't fill their head with nonsense either. I think it is very rare that someone will actually end up really trans.
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Post by Deleted on Jul 31, 2019 2:05:26 GMT
"Gender confused teenagers who on the Internet are pushed to "transition" by peer pressure and because it is so trendy now to be something special. I have a young niece who now, in just one year, suddenly thinks they are a boy. Prior to this point - they were very feminine and presented absolutely 0 gender confusion. However - since recently meeting all these non-binary kids and gay kids at school - suddenly they are a boy, shaved their hair off, gets upset if we call them by their birth name/female name or use the wrong pronouns. I do not buy it and I do think they are just subscribing to group think and peer influence. They are also an attention seeker - they absolutely love attention. I know them and they are just simply not a boy. Now i wouldn't be so direct with them - I have to be careful with how I approach this subject with them because I don't want to hurt them but this is the problem today. We have kids who are getting swept up by this 'progressive' dogma because the conversation in schools, tv, media is so saturated with it. Smh
There is a name for it: Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. Now the mainstream media heavily disputes this. I have seen an article in the Guardian, of course, calling out the idea as some sort of bigotry against trans people. But when you listen to some of the personal experiences of these teenagers, it actually does seem to be a thing. Again, it shows the mainstream media's ideological bias that they immediately put down talk about this as some sort of attack on the trans community.
ROGD was interesting to explore and it may help tackle the issues we as a family have with my niece. Thanks for sending it. We haven't really tackled it yet - it is still very early days. The mother's experience in this video, along with many parents who have participated in the ROGD research study make claims that I resonate with: "Out of the blue" - "Can't explain why they want to change sex" - Peer influence - speaking like they are reading from a script etc. I read an article which explained how this neologism came to be. It was actually quite encouraging when we look at how academia responded. At first - the university embraced the paper, then, after the ever so predictable outrage mob attacked the paper, calling the MD a transphobe, the university backtracked. However, this time there was a counter-outcry, with academics from various universities decrying the university/mob for stifling academic freedom. There was also a petition. In response to the counter-outcry, the paper went for a post-publication review and was re-published as a more refined document. Exactly. And isn't that what University it is all about; exploring new ideas, theories, research studies? University should be the nexus for this. In order to tackle the ever increasing influence that regressive authoritarian society has on science, freedom of speech, education etc, there needs to be a strong opposition and safe environment for people to speak up - like many academics did in this case. If these academics did not feel comfortable enough to defend this paper, then this alternative theory surrounding transgenderism could have been buried. Although I don't know enough about transgenderism or ROGD, how can we ACTUALLY progress if we do not explore these theories. Who is to say the accepted model for transgenderism (wrong mind/wrong body) has more merit than this new potential condition. Given what Hacsi Horvath said in the talk i posted earlier - it doesn't sound like there is any evidence to support what is accepted as fact today. www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/rabble-rouser/201903/rapid-onset-gender-dysphoria
Post by respect77 on Jul 31, 2019 6:24:40 GMT
Regarding what we talked about the gradual progress of making people more and more accepting towards pedophilia. Here's an article I saw about how supposedly in Californian schools it's now referred to as a sexual orientation. freedomproject.com/the-newman-report/1077-pedophilia-being-taught-as-sexual-orientation-in-california-schools Honestly, I would have expected an answer like "we are teaching it to make kids aware, to teach them how to protect themselves". If it was the goal of this, it would be OK. But the reasoning instead that it's just another sexual orientation that needs to be taught,is disturbing. Exactly because of the long term implications of this approach and where this is all potentially heading to. Of course, now they still add: "properly considered rape under the laws of every state", but how long before they start talking about the logical conclusions of it being a "sexual orientation", if it indeed is that? Wasn't Slate one of the biggest propgagandists of LN? They had dozens of articles on it. You gotta wonder the true motive.
Post by respect77 on Jul 31, 2019 7:36:34 GMT
Post by respect77 on Jul 31, 2019 8:15:04 GMT
Post by respect77 on Jul 31, 2019 8:31:07 GMT
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Post by Deleted on Jul 31, 2019 12:21:30 GMT
Honestly... the reactions to this are poison. No wonder the reactions to LN on Twitter were so sanctimonious.
This is mental.
Post by respect77 on Jul 31, 2019 14:22:57 GMT
This is just what we have talked about in this thread! He is perfectly right too. How did sanity become a controversial opinion? Science agrees with him too: youtu.be/z4RYl75zdMY
Post by respect77 on Jul 31, 2019 14:34:34 GMT
Here we go. Sigh.
Post by respect77 on Jul 31, 2019 16:18:20 GMT
So this is why he is supposedly "misogynistic" for. He is right on this point as well.
Post by respect77 on Jul 31, 2019 17:39:19 GMT
Here is the video of it.
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Post by Deleted on Jul 31, 2019 18:15:47 GMT
My god this thread is infuriating! This world is in dire need of a world war. Im not even kidding. That'd teach us.
Post by pg13 on Jul 31, 2019 19:34:15 GMT
Nobody should be surprised because equality is the Great buzzword of our time.
Possibly the most misused and abused word of our time. Maybe of all time.
From there, it's a really short jump to believing any number of things with zero substantiated evidence ranging from allegations of state collusion so beloved by Irish Republicans, false rape allegations, false allegations of paedophilia and many more.
Equality is a Trojan Horse and our time is in the grip of a propaganda war on several fronts.
Especially the vague idea of equality. So vague is it that an unrepentant, unapologetic terrorist can use it via rhetoric like "who can argue with equality?"
Closely followed by words/phrases like "shame on you", "believe what any victim says", "why would anyone lie about something so serious?" and, my favourite, "you bigot!".